Evaluating efforts in accelerating ....

Evaluating efforts in accelerating health care service in Indonesia; Case study of Puskesmas in West, Central, and Eastern Indonesia


Evaluating efforts in accelerating health care service in Indonesia; Case study of Puskesmas in West, Central, and Eastern Indonesia

Unequal healthcare access across Indonesia remains a constant obstacle to health service delivery. This is particularly apparent when comparing healthcare access between the West, Central, and Eastern parts of Indonesia. Knowing these conditions, there is a need for accelerating healthcare access accross Indonesia, in particular for regions that are left behind. This study will look closely at the roles of Puskesmas in helping to accelerate healthcare access in the country. We will look at the current efforts and processes in increasing healthcare access to all populations, as well as identify the obstacles to achieving healthcare equality across the country. To understand this, this study will evaluate the forementioned efforts and obstacles to help provide recommendations in increasing healthcare service delivery through the role of the Puskesmas.