White Paper

White Paper

Main Book: White paper on Indonesia’s Health Sector Development (2024-2034)

Main Book



Main Book: White paper on Indonesia’s Health Sector Development (2024-2034)

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About the White Paper

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the gaps and complexities of health systems around the world. Indonesia saw no exception as the health system was tested to the limits. Three years after the first reported case in Indonesia, CISDI saw the need for structural changes in its national health system if Indonesia were to progress forward. Arguing for the shift towards a system-thinking with a health in all policy approach and intersectional considerations in the health system through robust multi sectoral collaboration.

The White Paper uses the Foresight Methodology to map out the future of Indonesia’s health sector development for the next ten years. Formulating recommendations for policy improvement as the world prepares itself for a changed development dynamics. Aimed to provide insights and recommendations for all national and subnational stakeholders working together for the health sector.

The White Paper is divided into 14 books as follows:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Main Book: White paper on Indonesia’s Health Sector Development (2024-2034)
  3. White Paper on Governance
  4. White Paper on Health System
  5. White Paper on Human Resource of Health
  6. White Paper on Health Financing
  7. White Paper on Global Health
  8. White Paper on SRMNCH+N
  9. White Paper on Health Security and Infectious Diseases
  10. White Paper on Non Communicable Diseases
  11. White Paper on Digital Health
  12. White Paper on Risk Communication
  13. White Paper on Research and Development
  14. Annex: Proposed Goal, Targets, and Indicators

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    Executive Summary

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    Thematic White Paper

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