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About Dashboard


The COVID-19 pandemic has puskesmas in Indonesia facing many obstacles, especially those caused by the limited capacity of human resources, logistics, health facilities and infrastructure to provide proper and optimal health services. In 2021, CISDI saw the urgency to conduct a study to map the needs of puskesmas, specifically to deal with the possibility of a spike in COVID-19 cases, the possibility of a pandemic in the future, and to create the resilience of the health system in the future. We conducted a Puskesmas Surveillance Survey (Survey Kawal Puskesmas) which aims to describe the preparedness of puskesmas as primary health care for the pandemic response in Indonesia and identify key components for future pandemic preparedness.

The Puskesmas Surveillance Survey Dashboard is one of CISDI's efforts to share the findings of this survey through a comprehensive visualization to reach more stakeholders, which consists of:

  1. The general public, to inform the situation of the puskesmas during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  2. Observers and researchers, to inform and encourage the use of data and information available on the dashboard for follow-up research related to puskesmas; and
  3. Policy makers, to inform the condition of the puskesmas for policy making data-based and community needs.


This study was conducted in 385 community health centers (Puskesmas) across 34 provinces in Indonesia prior to the expansion, from August to November 2022, using an explanatory sequential mixed-method design. The quantitative method involved a telephone survey conducted initially, followed by an in-depth qualitative study. The quantitative design employed a cross-sectional approach with a descriptive analysis using weighting in each stratum to depict a more accurate representation of the conditions based on the risk zone and burden of the community health centers. Meanwhile, the qualitative study aimed to provide further insights into the situation of the community health centers and the support from local policymakers, as well as the perspectives of the community regarding the services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data presented on this dashboard will mainly highlight the quantitative findings from the survey.

On this dashboard, the study results are presented by comparing two data collection periods: 1) 2020 as the early pandemic period and 2021 as the most severe period, and 2) 2022 as the period of Omicron variant transmission, which recorded the highest number of confirmed cases but tended to be more controlled. The visualizations on the dashboard include two types: interactive data without weighting and weighted data to provide more precise study results. Calculation of the margin of error (MoE) and 95% confidence interval was also conducted when interpreting the data, ensuring the accuracy of the information presented in this research.

This survey has limitations, including recall bias in some variables due to the informants' inability to remember the actual conditions during each wave of the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron variants, despite specific time separations. Additionally, the low response rate from respondents was caused by infrastructure limitations in signal coverage in certain areas, requiring future telephone surveys to consider network accessibility.

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