
Seorang kader kesehatan mengenakan kerudung kuning sedang menggendong boneka bayi di dalam ruangan posyandu. Di hadapan nya, terdapat dua kader lainnya yang terlibat dalam kegiatan edukasi posyandu.

As long as I can help people, I will remain a community health worker.

Ainun, 61 years old (Community Health Worker)

About CHWs

Four community health workers are posing together at a health service table equipped with medical supplies, such as masks, hand sanitizers, and tissues. This photo reflects the dedication of CHWs in providing healthcare services.

You’ve probably heard of "Posyandu"—the place where care and compassion meet. The people who greet us there, guiding us with their knowledge and kindness, are Community Health Workers (CHWs). They are the heart of our communities, dedicating themselves to improving lives through health and care. From within the community, for the community—they are the unsung heroes of our health.

A community health worker records a resident’s health data through an application. The worker uses a blood pressure monitor to measure the resident’s blood pressure and then inputs the data to the application.

Here are just a few of the many vital roles CHWs play in our lives:

  • Help our communities access the necessary healthcare services, bridging gaps where help is scarce.
  • Share life-saving health information, empowering families with the knowledge to protect their well-being.
  • Listen and record the community's needs, ensuring no one is forgotten.
  • Provide care, distribute medication, and monitor health, keeping a watchful eye on those at risk.
  • Bring support right to people’s homes, offering a hand when it's needed most.

Source: Scott, 2018

Three community health workers are conducting a home visit and communicating with a local woman. In this photo, the CHWs are attentively listening to her explanation.

Sadly, despite their life-changing impact, CHWs are still seen as volunteers in Indonesia—unrecognized as essential members of the national health human resources. Yet, their role is indispensable in strengthening our healthcare system, reaching the most vulnerable, and saving lives. WHO has long recognized the value of CHWs, recommending fair compensation that reflects their dedication, skills, and the complexity of their work. It's time we honor their commitment and give them the support they truly deserve.

Source: Scott, 2018

A community health worker wearing a mask is walking down a narrow path between two house walls, on their way to carry out their duties. Behind them, two other CHWs are following.

Donate to #SupportCHWs! Your contribution will support capacity-building program, including cash assistance and uniforms to 380 dedicated CHWs in 12 communities across West Java, empowering them to keep making a difference. Every donation counts!

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Let's take part
in building a Healthy, Just, and Equal Indonesia by making decent work a reality for CHWs

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Connecting for a Healthy, Just, and Equitable Indonesia

This a story about how we grow and connecting with each other. Lot of partners already have walked with us for a buidling a healthy, just, and equitable Indonesia.

See the Story