Adoption, Contextualization, and Adaptation ....

The Puskesmas Terpadu dan Juara or Integrated and Champion Puskesmas (PUSPA) is a collaborative program between the West Java Provincial Government and the Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI), which focuses on strengthening primary health care services in West Java. This program was designed to respond the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, marked by an increase in COVID-19 vaccination coverage and the beginning of the control of COVID-19 cases, the PUSPA program has expanded the scope of intervention to essential health care services: nutrition and non-communicable diseases (hypertension and diabetes mellitus) programs.

Primary health care services, with community health center or pusat kesehatan masyarakat (puskesmas) as the core of basic services, serves as the backbone of the national health care system. The significant role of puskesmas has become even more apparent as the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic. The PUSPA program aims to transform puskesmas into an optimal and responsive service provider through human resources capacity building, implementation of innovative programs, and cross-sector collaboration.

With the spirit of sharing and relentless learning, CISDI has developed a guideline or PUSPA playbook after three years working in West Java. CISDI hopes that this playbook can serve as a source of knowledge and inspiration for other institutions that also aspire to make Indonesia’s puskesmas into integrated and champion health care service.

To maintain contextual integrity, please note that we have provided templates exclusively in the annex section in Bahasa Indonesia. This decision is made to ensure alignment with local nuances and practices