Actualizing Investing More and ....

In this brief, we specifically appeal for a stronger commitment to robust and impactful investment on primary health care strengthening, as well as effective and efficient allocation of financial resources to ensure equitable and sustainable financial protection for everyone but mainly the most vulnerable. This appeal is based on the belief that health is a human right, enshrined in the 1945 Indonesia constitution and the 2018 Astana declaration. 

This brief also responds to the UN emphasizing that during the pandemic, a lot of people still need to pay out-of-pocket and fall into poverty to access quality health services. PHC is the first point of care for communities that plays a central role in providing essential-affordable services, thus paving the way for UHC. Financial protection should be available through strengthening worldwide primary health care (PHC) systems and making them accessible and affordable.

(This document is currently only available in English)