Policy document

Policy document

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Indonesian Civil Society Recommendations for the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA)

Country representatives will convene in Geneva for the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) to negotiate the Pandemic Agreement and other global health issues. In this document, Indonesian civil society organisations have summarised their recommendations for the Government of Indonesia representatives.


CISDI Proposes a Checks and Balances Mechanism from Civil Society in the Pandemic Agreement

This policy recommendations document was CISDI's intervention on the occasion of civil society hearing sessions for the pandemic agreement hosted by the Pandemic Action Network (PAN) at the World Health Organization's premises on 21-22 February, 2024.


FAQ Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Tax

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Tax has been proposed in Indonesia since 2020, but has yet to be implemented. This document answered some of the most frequently asked questions about SSB Tax and dispelled some common misconceptions regarding SSB Tax.


Actualizing Investing More and Investing Better for UHC Through PHC Strengthening

In this report, we specifically call for a commitment to strong and impactful investments in strengthening primary healthcare services to ensure fair and sustainable financial protection for all, especially for the most vulnerable.


High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) 2023: Global and National Imperatives toward a Better Prepared World Against Future Pandemics

We call on the Government of Indonesia to hold a robust position, enabling the capacity to influence world leaders to make political commitments on identified key areas this policy brief provides.


The Importance of Health and Gender Perspectives in Criminal Code Drafting

CISDI launched a policy brief on the importance of health and gender perspectives in the drafting of the Criminal Code (RKUHP), which is being discussed by the Government and Parliament.


Designing FIF with Global Public Investment Principles

This policy paper proposes the design of a financial intermediary fund (FIF) - which is being discussed in the G20 process under the Indonesian Presidency - through the principles of global public investment (GPI).


CISDI Insight Vol. 1

CISDI Insights Vol. 1 reviews the trend of the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) in Java and Bali throughout April 2022. Highlighting the COVID-19 situation at the national and regional levels, to the handling measures and potential risks that occur.


CISDI Health Outlook 2022: After the Dark, Will there be Light?

The Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives published Health Outlook 2022 to provide policy direction recommendations for the Government and as a reference for other stakeholders in determining priorities for improving Indonesia's health policy.


Policy Inputs to Ensure Access of Vulnerable Groups to COVID-19 Vaccination in Indonesia

CISDI and PUSKAPA provide policy input to the government to pay attention to aspects that need to be considered so that the national vaccination program can reach vulnerable groups as widely as possible. We are aware that the current crisis requires the Indonesian government to formulate a plan.


Test Capacity as a Prerequisite for New Normal

This publication releases information about Indonesia's readiness prerequisites in the era of adapting to new habits to curb the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In facing the New Habit Adaptation, the testing capacity strategy is not only a prerequisite but also the main foundation


Large-Scale Social Restrictions, Homecoming and COVID-19

This document talks about how SARS-CoV-2 is spreading outside Jakarta, creating a new hotspot. The government's plan, called Large-Scale Social Restrictions, was supposed to slow down the virus, but now it's risky because the government's delays and mistakes are putting public safety in danger.
