Foresight to Structuring the ....

Foresight to Structuring the Future of Indonesia's Primary Health Care


Foresight to Structuring the Future of Indonesia's Primary Health Care

The Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and the Center for Indonesia's Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) launched the "Foresight to Structuring the Future of Indonesia's Primary Health Care" study. This study summarizes the actual conditions of primary health care in Indonesia according to the WHO operational framework (2018, 2020). Specifically, this study also maps issues, trends, discontinuities, weak signals, and wildcards that are overall challenges to the implementation of primary health care in Indonesia. The foresight method also takes into account the six STEEPV domains, namely S(ocial), T(echnological), E(conomic), E(nvironment), P(olitical) and V(alues) that influence policy implementation.