Designing FIF with Global ....

The Joep Lange Institute (JLI) together with CISDI, Public Interest, and Queen Mary University of London published a policy paper "Designing a FIF with Global Public Investment Principles." This policy paper proposes the design of a financial intermediary fund (FIF) - which is being discussed in the G20 process under the Indonesian Presidency - through global public investment (GPI) principles. To ensure the success of strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and response capacities at national, regional and global levels, based on GPI principles, the FIF should be able to institutionalize inclusive governance, prioritize benefits effectively and equitably, and ensure broad and sustainable financing.

This policy paper also emphasizes the importance of meaningfully engaging civil society organizations (CSOs) in FIF governance. CSOs play a critical role in ensuring accountability, effective needs determination, and long-term sustainability of financing.