CISDI Secretariat • 4 Sep 2023
CISDI believes that there is a lot of scientific evidence supporting the urgency of strengthening primary health care in achieving national and even global health goals. However, more specific evidence is needed in the context of strengthening primary health care in Indonesia. As a series and efforts to strengthen the output of the PHC Forum, CISDI invites the participation of local and international organizations and institutions or consortia to create scientific papers in the form of scoping reviews, editorials, or other methods with various topics that have been determined.
The background paper topics include, but are not limited to:
- Innovation in primary health care;
- intersectionality in health services;
- Building health system resilience and pandemic preparedness;
- Equitable access to medical countermeasures;
- Climate change and primary health services
- Demand and supply/market conditions for digitizing primary health services;
- Segmentation analysis in patient service flow redesign;
- Role, challenges, professionalism, and welfare of health cadres (community health workers);
- Sustainable health system investment; and
- Equality of access to primary health services
Selected background papers will be compiled as output from the 2023 PHC Forum and have the opportunity to be published in international journals. Apart from writing activities, on the main event of the PHC Forum (November 13–14, 2023), we will hold a competence forum session that will accommodate discussions from various civil society organizations, government institutions, partners, and key stakeholders involved in primary health care in Indonesia. The background papers are expected to trigger discussion at the competence forum session.
- September 15, 2023 - Statement of Interest and proposal submission
- September - October 2023 - Writing background paper
- November 13-14, 2023 - Presentation at PHC Forum
- November 2023 - August 2024 - Journal article editing process
We provide funding for the background paper research and writing as well as the Article Processing Charges (APC) if it is later agreed that the paper will be submitted to the journal. In addition, we also cover the transportation and accommodation of the research team’s representative to attend the PHC Forum main event conducted on 13-14 November 2023.
Parties interested in participating in this call for papers can send a Statement of Interest and Proposal no later than September 15, 2023 via email to rnd@cisdi.org (cc: adm finance@cisdi.org) with the subject "[Institution name]_PHCForum_SOI_Call for Paper. We may be able to arrange an online meeting to explain the program in more detail, discuss the proposals submitted, and answer other questions that candidates have if necessary. Please contact us for further information.
The proposal submitted include:
- Organizational background;
- The background and research history of research team members;
- 1-2 pager explaining:
- The topic of the paper
- The framework and brief description of the research to be carried out and/or the content to be written in the background paper
- Estimated budget for the research;
- 1-2 examples of previous research output.
Contacts: rnd@cisdi.org, admfinance@cisdi.org
Deadline for the statement of interest and proposal: 15 September 2023
Email subject: [Institution name]_PHCForum_SOI_Call for Paper
What is the timeline for the proposal selection and writing process?
September 15, 2023 - Deadline for submission of Statement of Interest and Proposal
September 16-27, 2023 - Proposal selection process
September 29, 2023 - Announcement
September 29 - October 31, 2023 - Background paper writing process
November 13-14, 2023 - Background paper presentation
What will be funded in the background paper?
We provide funding for the background paper writing process. The maximum writing fund provided is Rp32,000,000 to Rp50,000,000. Registration fees for team representatives selected to present at the PHC Forum will be provided separately.
Does it fund new research?
CISDI encourages writing in the form of scoping reviews, editorials, or other qualitative forms so there is no cost to conduct new research, especially primary data collection.
What are the expected outputs?
There are two expected outputs, a background paper and a presentation at the competence forum during the PHC Forum November 13-14, 2023.
Does the institution/organization have to be registered and have a notarial act/certificate?
Institutions/organizations that already have a notarial act/certificate are expected to attach the document. If not yet registered, please write the information at the time of proposal submission.
Is it still possible to submit a Statement of Interest (SoI)?
We are still accepting SoI via email, without a specific format, until September 15, 2023, but there is no change in the deadline for submitting proposals.
Is it possible to collaborate between organizations?
We highly value collaboration. Participants are welcome to form teams from different institutions.
Can it be an individual or must it be from an institution?
Background paper writing can be done individually and/or in teams.
What is meant by examples of previous research results in the proposal?
Examples of previous research results are any articles that have been written by the background paper author (portfolio), not as a supporting reference for the background paper.
We have submitted a proposal, but we would like to revise or update the information in the proposal. What should we do?
Please send the latest version of the proposal to e-mail rnd@cisdi.org and admfinance@cisdi.org. We will use the latest information for selection.
Can more than one proposal be submitted?
There is no limit to the number of proposals submitted.