

PHC Forum 2023 Call for Papers: Scientific Contribution in Strengthening Primary Health Care

CISDI Secretariat19 Des 2024

The PHC Forum 2023 also became a platform for scientific contributions to support efforts to strengthens primary health care. As one of the outputs, CISDI initiated the participation of organizations and institutions, local and international, to produce scientific papers on various topics that have been determined. 

The results of the scientific work in the form of papers have been selected, reviewed, and have become a catalyst for discussion in the competence forum session at the PHC Forum 2023. This session accommodates discussions of civil society representatives, government agencies, and development partners in the primary health care sector.

The papers can be accessed below (access to papers in link):

  1. A Scoping Review of Interventions to Reduce the Workload of Healthcare Workers in Primary Health Care of Low-and Middle-Income Countries, (T.I. Armina Padmasawitri, Bhekti Pratifwi, et. al), Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  2. The Intersectional Approach to Diabetes in Primary Care: Does It Exist? A Comparative Rapid Literature Review and Policy Analysis from Indonesia and India, (Putri Widi Saraswati and Meher Suri), RAISE Global Health
  3. Ensuring Climate is Well Considered When Planning, Developing, and Reforming PHC, (Nadya Daulay, Novia Xu,, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia
  4. Unveiling Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges Crowdfunding for Health in Indonesia: An Integrative Review, (Nuzulul Putri, Ilham Ridlo, et. al), The Airlangga Centre for Health Policy Research (ACEHAP)

Disclaimer: This paper(s) was commisioned and funded by CISDI for the Primary Health Care (PHC) Forum 2023. The study was conducted under a contractual agreement with the funding source. CISDI provided financial support for the study and provided feedback on the paper to the author(s). The decision to present the content of this work is solely those of author(s)
